Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Silver came to be

One day there was this beautiful girl named Silvara. She was almost like the daughter of Zeus because she has white skin as if she was a God. She was always the center of attention in Greece. But as time passed she wasn't the center of attention anymore. Silvara was really sad so she made up lies. She said that she was the real daughter of Zeus. But she didn't know that Hena the wife of Zeus as watching her. Hena was really mad when she heard these lies so she went down to Earth. "Are you the one who made up lies about Zeus?"
Hena said in an angry voice. "As you're punishment I will turn you into stone!" A swirling light went to Silvara and after a blink of an eye, she was turned into a grey sparkling statue. As time passed they changed her name into Silvera for a simpler version. But now life became easier and it was changed to Silver.

THE END! -Soffy♥

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